National Honor Society will have a bake sale on Thursday, February 16. Each member is to bring 2 baked items: cookies and bars (should be cut) and put on disposable plates. Parents, thank you for awesome support. Mrs. Oase

Daily Announcements, February 13, 2023
Congratulations! To the state wrestling qualifiers! Congratulations, also, to the girls on the victory over Faith!
Girls' Basketball The B and A teams play in Lemmon tonight starting at 5:30. The bus will leave Scranton right after school. Good luck ladies!
Clay Target League Students in grades 6-12 interested in the Clay Target League, sign up in the office.
Storm Make Up Day Monday, February 20, school will be in session as a weather make up day.
Quote of the Day "How 'bout those Chiiieeeefs?!?!" ~ Coach Andy Reid

Region 4 Individual Tournament
Top 4 go to State!
(106) Nick Dobitz- 6th
(113) Riley Hasbrouck- 3rd
(120) Tanner DeFoe- 1st
(126) Kyler Schalesky- 2nd
(132) Stone Stadheim- 4th
(138) Trevor Dalley- 4th
(145) Jaron Frank- 2nd
(152) Tanner Blackwell- 5th
(160) Devin Greff- 4th
(170) Brodie Sott- 6th
(182) Tristan Pekas- 1st
(195) Nick Anderson- 2nd
(220) Bowden Hasbrouk- 3rd

Congratulations to both the Junior & Senior Adams/Slope County Livestock Judging Teams at the Little International in Fargo!
Junior Team took 1st place.
Mika Stuber- 2nd high individual
Liam Kennedy- 8th
Tatum Campbell- 12th
Tyler Hofland- 13th
Other team members include: Reece Ehlers, Rylin Ehlers, Ali Buckmeir & Khloe Campbell

Little I results from Fargo.
Layla Krinke was High Individual in Jr 4-H and high sheep and swine and 3rd in beef.
She was high individual
In reasons.
Tomorrow she judges in Kindred.

Daily Announcements, February 8, 2023
Honor Society Will meet today in the tech. lab behind Mrs. Oase's office during homeroom.
Quote of the Day “There is always in February some one day, at least, when one smells the yet distant, but surely coming, summer.” — Gertrude Jekyll

Some patriotic kids singing the National Anthem outside this morning.

Daily Announcements, February 7, 2023
Boys' Basketball The C, B and A teams play Killdeer in Scranton tonight starting at 4:00. Dakota Western Bank is sponsoring free popcorn. Thank you Dakota Western Bank! Good luck Night Hawks!
Sophomores The sophomores will meet during home room today regarding the Pre-ACT.
National Periodic Table Day "What the ocean was to the child, the Periodic Table is to the chemist." ~ Karl Barry Sharpless

Addition to 2/6/23 Announcements:
The B and A girls play Beulah at Hettinger tonight starting at 5:00. There is no C game. The bus leaves after school. Good luck ladies!

Daily Announcements, February 6, 2023
Congratulations! NightHawks Wrestling defeated Killdeer 34-27. Nighthawks finished 2nd at the Region 4 Dual & will be going to state in Fargo!
FBLA Week! FBLA will meet today during homeroom.
Congratulations! To Kinley, Kyan and Kiley for being selected to participate in the Middle School All Sate Choir event this past week-end. It was Kinley's third year of being selected. Good job ladies!
Quote of the Day “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” — Michelangelo

Middle School Honor Choir Festival today and tomorrow! We’re having a great first day of rehearsals. Showcase concert tonight and grand concert tomorrow! 🎵🎶

Tonight's games at Hebron start at 3:30, not 3:00. Sorry for the confusion.

Daily Announcements, February 3, 2023
Congratulations! To both girls' teams on the wins!
Boys' Basketball The C, B and A teams play Glen Ullin/Hebron tonight in Hebron starting at 3:30. PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS a C GAME The bus leaves at 12:30. Good luck Night Hawks!
Girls' Basketball The B and A teams play New England in Scranton tomorrow starting at 5:30. Go get 'em guys!
JH All State Choir Kinley, Kyan and Kiley are participating in the All State Choir event this weekend.
Wrestling The wresters compete in Killdeer tomorrow. Duals begin at 11:00. Scranton will be picked up at the junction at 7:15. Good luck wrestlers!
FFA The FFA judgers compete in Dickinson tomorrow with the bus leaving at 7:00. Good luck to all!
100th Day of School 100 days older, 100 days wiser, 100 days of our amazing students and staff!

The boys basketball games against Glen Ullin-Hebron in Hebron tomorrow will have a C game starting at 3:30 mountain time.

Congratulations Ali. She was high individual at the Black Hills Stock Show Wool Judging Contest.

The region duals will continue in Killdeer February 4th.
Weigh- ins and Skin Checks at 10.
Wrestling begins at 11.
Ticket Prices for Thursday and Saturday will be $10.00 and $5.00 with no passes accepted as it is a regional event.

Daily Announcements, February 2, 2023
Wrestling Dual at Killdeer tonight. Duals begin at 5:00 with Killdeer vs. Bowman. Girls will follow the boys vs. Killdeer at approximately 6:00. Please dismiss Scranton wrestlers at 12:30 for a 12:40 departure. Good luck Night Hawks!
Girls' Basketball The B and A teams play Beach tonight in Scranton starting at 5:30. Good luck ladies!
Quote of the Day "Old Groundhog stretched in his leafy bed. He turned over slowly and then he said, 'I wonder if spring is on the way, I'll go and check the weather today...'" ~Author unknown

Daily Announcements, February 1, 2023
Congratulations! To the Black Devils on the win last night!
Congratulations! To Ali Buckmier on placing high individual in the wool judging contest yesterday!
Games The remaining basketball games this week are B and A teams only. No C games.
Quote of the Day "While it is February, one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch." – Patience Strong

A huge THANK YOU to Pastor Mary Wiggins and the Lutheran ladies for donating to our crafting project!

Daily Announcements, January 31, 2023
Congratulations! To the girls on the victory!
Boys' Basketball The B and A teams play Heart River in Hettinger tonight starting at 5:30. There is no C game. This is also Black Devils Throwback Night! The bus leaves after school. Go get 'em guys!
National Backwards Day! "Never look backwards or you'll fall down the stairs." ~ Rudyard Kipling