The place winners for Scranton's School Science Fair: Junior High top 3 placers: In third place - Chloe M. In second place - Layla K. In first place - Kiley M. High School top 3 placers: In third place - Karady E. In second place - Caden A. In first place - Chason S. Congrats to all participants on great presentations this morning. Also big thank you to the judges and all who helped to make this possible.
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Daily Announcements, February 21, 2023 Slow News Day! Quote of the Day "Dear Old Man Winter, I think you need a vacation. You have worked really hard this winter. It's time to let spring start pulling some weight around here, too!" Sincerely, Enough Winter
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Scranton Public School will start on time today. Please take your time driving to school as there are pillow drifts on the roads. As the day goes on, we will be monitoring the roads and those of you on the outskirts of the district please do not hesitate to call the school with road reports as the day goes on. Drive Safely and we will have a great day of school planned for when the students arrive. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Kelly Pierce
Daily Announcements, February 20, 2023 Congratulations! To all State Night Hawks wrestlers! Congratulations! To the B and A boys teams on the victories! Newsletter Articles Are due today. National FFA Week! Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Reminder, Scranton Public School will have school as normal this Monday as it is a make-up snow day from our December blizzards!
about 2 years ago, Kelly Pierce
Thank you so much to everyone who donated to FBLA's March of Dimes fundraiser! Because of your generosity and our officers' creativity, we were able to raise $642.00 for the March of Dimes!! We had a fun time celebrating this accomplishment by pieing our officers AND administration! A huge thank you to Mr. Pierce and Mr. Cagle for always being good sports! Enjoy the photos! The recording of this event will be posted on our school's YouTube page. You Tube Video
about 2 years ago, Emily Erickson
President Emily and Vice President Chloe sharing about the March of Dimes and explaining our celebration.
Chason & Chloe
Emily  & Tonlin
Kiley & Karady
Zander & Karady
Palmer & Mr. Pierce
Shawn & Mr. Cagle
Group Photo
Some fun photos of the pep band and elementary students singing the National Anthem last night!
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Conlon
pep band
pep band
Daily Announcements, February 17, 2023 Regional Girls' Tournament The girls play Killdeer tonight in Killdeer at 6:00. Please dismiss at 2:20 for a 2:30 departure. Let's go ladies! Boys' Basketball The JV and V teams plan in Lemmon tomorrow starting at 4:30. The bus leaves at 2:30. Good luck guys! Monday School is in session Monday as a storm make-up day. FFA The judgers will be competing in Bowman tomorrow. Good luck to all judgers! Random Acts of Kindness Day! “You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Scranton Elementary students in grade 2 through 6 will be singing the national anthem at the ball game tonight. All students in grade 2 through 6 who are interested in singing need go to the lunchroom at the conclusion of the pep band.
about 2 years ago, Kari Lei Valloff
Girls' Tournament Bracket
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
January 2023, Minutes
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Minutes page 2
Daily Announcements, February 16, 2023 Boys' Basketball The JV and V boys play GCMR in Scranton tonight starting at 5:30. Go Night Hawks! Good Luck State Wrestlers! Bake Sale Honor Society is sponsoring a free will bake sale during the games tonight. Thank you for your support! Science Olympiad Will meet today during homeroom. Mentors/Mentees Will meet this morning during 3rd hour. FBLA Event This afternoon at 2:45. Heart donations are due by 2:00! Girls' Regional Tournament Tomorrow is the first round of the regional tournament. Hettinger/Scranton plays Killdeer in Killdeer at 6:00 p.m. Go Hawks! Newsletter Articles Are due Monday. National Do A Grouch A Favor Day! “This is the greatest day of my life. This calls for a celebration: an anchovy sundae ice cream!” ~ Oscar the Grouch
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Pre-School Screening
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Daily Announcements, February 15, 2023 Boys' Basketball Yesterday's games scheduled at Bowman will be played Saturday, February 25, with the JV game starting at 4:00. Wrestling Good luck Night Hawks' wrestlers as you head to Fargo for the state tournament! FBLA March of Dimes Fundraiser The fundraiser forms and money are due tomorrow, February 16. Thank you for your support! Honor Society National Honor Society will have a bake sale Thursday, February 16 (tomorrow), at the home basketball game in Scranton. Each member is to bring 2 baked items: cookies and bars (should be cut) and put on disposable plates or zip bags. Parents and community, thank you for your awesome support. Mrs. Oase Board Meeting Is tonight at 7:00. Quote of the Day “My mother always used to say, 'The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re a banana.'” —Rose, The Golden Girls
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Reminder Scranton School is starting 2 hours late today due to icy road conditions. Please travel safely!
about 2 years ago, Kelly Pierce
Good evening, this is Kelly Pierce messaging from the Scranton School. School will start 2 hours late tomorrow, February 15th due to the icy road conditions. Please travel safely and take your time tomorrow morning during your commute.
about 2 years ago, Kelly Pierce
***GAMES POSTPONED*** The JV and V boys' games scheduled for Bowman tonight are postponed to Saturday, Febrary 25, starting at 4:00. Each school will have their own practices for both boys and girls.
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
COOKIE KIT UPDATE! Valentine's Day cookie kits are ready to send home/be picked up! If you ordered a kit please comment below how you would like to get it! We can have them in the office for you to pick up or we can send home with a student with your permission! Please let us know ASAP and we apologize for the short notice!
about 2 years ago, Rachelle Bergstrom
March of Dimes Fundraiser!  FBLA is hosting a Pie the Officers Fundraiser to raise money for the March of Dimes Foundation. If we raise $300, Mr. Pierce has pledged to get pied in the face with the officers, and if we raise $301, Mr. Cagle has agreed to do the same. Help us reach our goal and get them pied in the face with all the officers!   Elementary students have been sent home with forms; don’t forget they are due Thursday morning. Officers and (hopefully) administration will be pied Thursday afternoon!
about 2 years ago, Emily Erickson
Fundraiser Progress!
Daily Announcements, February 14, 2023 Congratulations! Ladies, on the win! Boys' Basketball The B and A teams play at Bowman tonight starting at 5:30. There is no C game. The bus leaves at 4:15 Go Night Hawks! After Prom Party Students in grades 9-12 and guests need to have parent permission forms completed and signed before attending the After Prom Party. Please stop in the office and pick up a form, and if you have an out-of-school date, a form for that person as well. The completed forms can be returned to Mrs. Holzer in the Resource Room. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Valentine's Day