Daily Announcements,
Instrument Festival Mrs. Conlon and the band students are at the festival in Dickinson today.
Reading Month It's Career Day! Tomorrow is "U.S.A Day". We're proud to be Americans!
Elegant Day! Grades K, 1 and 2 have Elegant Day this afternoon. Grand March is at 2:00 in the gym.
Parent/Teacher Conferences Are tomorrow night from 3:30-8:30. High School teachers will visit with parents in their classrooms instead of the gym. Elementary conferences have a scheduled time. Thank you!
Quote of the Day “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” (Confucius)

Prom Update

For the safety of the students, the Scranton Prom scheduled for tonight has been moved to next Thursday, March 16th with grand march at 8:00. The dance scheduled for Sunday afternoon is also postponed. A date for that dance will be determined later.

The Scranton Prom is scheduled for this evening. We know this is a big event for our students. I do not want to make the call on this event at this time. We will make the decision by 2:00 PM this afternoon and make this decision based on road reports and advice from other local authorities. A TEAMS message survey will be sent to the participants so that if an alternative plan needs to be made we can have their input. It is unfortunate the weather is not cooperating, but we will try to make the most of it.

School will get out at the normal time today. There will be no activities after school. Please drive safely everyone.

The Killdeer youth wrestling tournament tonight has been postponed until Sunday at 1:00.

Region 7 Team. Congratulations Maddox on making this team with all of these talented athletes!

Daily Announcements, March 10, 2023
Acalympics The Acalympics have been postponed to March 24.
Prom The juniors and sophomores class officers are decorating today. Grand March is tomorrow night at 8:00, and the doors open at 7:40. Sunday from 3:00-6:00 is the Family 50's Dance for students through 6th grade.
Congratulations! To Maddox Pierce for being selected to the Region 7 Team!
FFA Ag Sales and Agronomy will compete in Hettinger tomorrow.
End of 3rd Nine Weeks Today is the last day of the third nine weeks. Parent/teacher conferences are Tuesday from 3:30-8:30.
Reading Month Lots of crazy hair and socks today! Monday is "Career Day!".
Quote of the Day "It's a rather blustery day." ~ Winnie the Pooh

Daily Bulletin - Thursday, March 09, 2023
Science Olympiad Mr. Roemmich and the Science Olympiad students are at the regional competition in Dickinson today. Good luck to all!
Reading Month It's hard to see the camo dressed elementary students today! Tomorrow is "Crazy Hair and Socks Day!".
Prom The juniors and sophomore class officers are decorating for Prom tomorrow.
Quote of the Day “March, when days are getting long, Let thy growing hours be strong to set right some wintry wrong.” ― Caroline May

Daily Announcements, March 8, 2023
P-ACT The sophomores are taking the P-ACT this morning.
Regional Science Olympiad These students will compete in Dickinson tomorrow with the bus leaving at 6:30 a.m. Mr. Roemmich sent the list of students attending.
Reading Month It's stuffed animal day! Tomorrow is "Wear Camouflage Day!".
Stuffed Animals Stuffed animals teach compassion, how to love, how to be gentle with one another. Because stuffed animals are often gifted to us by people we love, they are the ultimate symbol of love. Stuffed animals are naturally loving and giving creatures.

Daily Announcements, March 7, 2023
After Prom Party Please get your permission slips turned in to Mrs. Holzer. Thank you!
P-ACT The Pre-ACT will be given to the sophomores tomorrow morning.
Reading Month Today is all about orange and black! Tomorrow is "Stuffed Animal Day". Bring a small stuffed animal to have on your desk.
Quote of the Day "In the fashion industry, everything goes retro except the prices." ~ Criss Jami

Scranton Public School will once again start on time today. There are some pillow drifts so please travel safely. We will have a great day planned for all of you when you get here.

Dates to remember

7th grader, Isabelle Palczewski, received her Silver Key award this week-end at the ceremony in Fargo. Isabelle was one of 300 entries in the art and writing categories, and most of the award winners were in grades 9-12. Congratulations, Isabelle!

Daily Announcements, March 6, 2023
Track and Field Starts today!
Acalympics There is an Acalympics meeting today in Mr. Conlon's room during home room.
ITV Class Scheduling Mr. Cagle will register students for next year's ITV classes during home room tomorrow.
Reading Month It's a Luah today! Tomorrow is "Retro Day". Wear your orange and black.
Quote of the Day “May there always be Tradewinds behind you, Rainbows above you, and Aloha all around you.” ~ Author Unknown

Scranton Public School will start on time today. Looks like it will be a long week of winter weather. Please take your time and drive safely.

Reading Month- The Wild West
March is reading month. Here are some picture from this weeks reading in the gym . The student circled the wagons and enjoy reading under the wagons. Be sure to stop in this month and checkout the hallway display. Watch for new pictures each week.

The O.K. Corral

Wild West

Wild West