Notice is hereby given that on the first Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the annual election of the Scranton School District #33 will be held at the Scranton School from 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of electing one school board member. This term will be for three years. The term of Haley Evans will expire June 30, 2023, and this term is District-At-Large.
Any person wishing to be a candidate for the school board election must file with the business manager of the district no less than 64 days before the election and before 4:00 p.m. on the 64th day, a statement setting forth the candidate’s name and length of term for which that person is a candidate. A statement that is mailed must be in the business manager’s possession before 4:00 p.m. on the 64th day, April 3, 2023, before the election. A statement of interest form should be picked up from the school business manager and completed before 4:00 p.m. on April 3, 2023.
By order of the Scranton School Board
Angie Eberle, Business Manager
Scranton School District #33

Daily Announcements, March 23, 2023
Thank you! To Mrs. Oase for the time and work spent organizing the career fair, and to all the presenters and helpers. Great job!
Reading Month Today is "Mismatch Day!". Tomorrow, bring items for the food pantry and get a sweet treat!
Mr. Cagle's Classes Will report to study hall today.
Quote of the Day "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." — Anne Bradstreet

Daily Announcements, March 22, 2023
Career & Apprenticeship Day Is today for grades 7-12 starting at 11:45 with students having lunch with presenter Jason Elhert. At 12:20, students need to be in the bleachers.
Reading Month Everyone is festive in ties today! Tomorrow is "Miamatch Day!". No matching allowed!
Menu Change Today is Polish sausage and baked beans, and Tuesday, March 28, is chili and rolls.
Quote of the Day “If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle

Scranton Public School will start on time today. Please give yourself extra time this morning as the road conditions call for slower traffic speeds. Drive safely and plan on a great day of school once again!

Daily Announcements, March 21, 2023
Congratulations! FFA state judgers!
Reading Month Tomorrow is "Wear Your Favorite Tie Day!".
Swing Choir Will have skit practice today in the library during homeroom.
Career & Apprenticeship Day Is tomorrow for grades 7-12: 11:00 students make sure the presentation rooms are set up, then they go back to class. 11:45-12:15 students have lunch with presenter Jason Elhert about apprenticeship. 12:20 Students should be in the bleachers.
Quote of the Day "You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming." — Pablo Neruda

Daily Announcements, March 20, 2023
Congratulations! to Mrs. Valloff and helpers on a very successful Prom!
FFA Some of the FFA students are at the Minot competition today.
Reading Month It's "Beach Day!"! Tomorrow is "Hat Day!".
Baseball Practice starts tonight at the Hettinger Armory.
It's The First Day of Spring! "Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush." — Doug Larson

PROM...what an awesome group of kids last night. They rocked the night away. I want to extend a special thank you to the parents that provide the prom suppers and the AHOY members that took care of after prom party. I can not forget the group that spent the evening with me...Jason, Katrina, Kellie and Reba. Without them the evening would have not ran smoothly.
There is only one thing left to do...cleanup. With Mother Nature not being friendly and unable to cleanup tonight, I have lost most of my cleanup crew to other obligation. If anyone if free tomorrow around 11 A.M. help to clean up the gym would be appreciated. It usually take about an hour. Thank you in advance!

Unfortunately, the weather is not cooperating again today. With the road reports, we have decided to cancel the family dance scheduled this evening at the Scranton School. Please stay safe everyone!

Grand March 2023 link

To view this evenings Scranton Prom grand march please visit Scranton's Facebook page at @scrantonschool-nighthawks3369 where you may like and subscribe for future events happening in Scranton Public Schools. Grand march will begin at 7:55.

SW Regional Science & Engineering Fair Results:
Karady won Best Board Design, ND Stem Ambassador, and won the High School Behavioral and Social Science category
Chason won the Spark Award
Caden won the High School Navy Award
Zander won the Junior High Navy Award
Landon won the South West Grain Award
Layla won the Red River Valley Excellence in Chemistry
Dani won the ND Farmers Union Award
Mardi won the Water Quality Works Award and the Stockhome Water Award
Romana won the Junior High Animal Science Category
Chloe Maychrzak won the Junior High Behavioral and Social Science category
Layla, Chloe Maychzrak, Romana, and Zander all won 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge Award
Junior High State Qualifiers
-Chloe Maychrzak
High School State Qualifiers
I am very proud of all participants in this year's Science and Engineering Fair. All did very well and represented our school very well. Congrats to all students on their performance and I am looking forward to the competition at state hosted at UND.
Mr. Roemmich

Family Dance Rescheduled

Daily Announcements, March 15, 2023
No School! There is no school tomorrow and Friday for spring break. Enjoy your long week-end!
Prom Prom is tomorrow night with Grand March at 8:00, and doors opening to the public at 7:40.
Reading Month We're all irish today! Monday is "Beach Day". First day of spring!
Regional Science Fair Stay tuned for results!
Quote of the Day "May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go." ~ Irish Proverb

Thank you to Dakota Western Bank, Scranton Branch, for the awesome supper provided to our staff for parent/teacher conferences!

Q3 Honor Roll

February 2023, Minutes

Daily Announcements, March 14, 2023
Elegant Day Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades had a very successful Elegant Day yesterday! Thank you to Mrs. Bergstrom, Mrs. Bergquist and Mrs. Doerr!
Congratulations! To the state music qualifiers!
Regional Science Fair Mr. Roemmich and the science fair students are attending the Regional Science Fair in Bismarck today. Good luck to all!
Parent/Teacher Conferences Are tonight from 3:30-8:30. Parents will visit high school teachers in their classrooms, and elementary conferences are scheduled.
Reading Month We're proud to be Americans! Tomorrow is "All About Irish Day". Wear your green.
Quote of the Day "I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free ..." ~ Lee Greenwood

Notice is hereby given that on the first Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the annual election of the Scranton School District #33 will be held at the Scranton School from 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of electing one school board member. This term will be for three years. The term of Haley Evans will expire June 30, 2023, and this term is District-At-Large.
Any person wishing to be a candidate for the school board election must file with the business manager of the district no less than 64 days before the election and before 4:00 p.m. on the 64th day, a statement setting forth the candidate’s name and length of term for which that person is a candidate. A statement that is mailed must be in the business manager’s possession before 4:00 p.m. on the 64th day, April 3, 2023, before the election. A statement of interest form should be picked up from the school business manager and completed before 4:00 p.m. on April 3, 2023.
By order of the Scranton School Board
Angie Eberle, Business Manager
Scranton School District #33

Bowling for the After Prom Party will still be happening Thursday!

Today we celebrate our uniqueness! Join us for Elegant Day beginning at 2:00 PM!