Todays baseball game in Belfield has been postponed due to field conditions. There will be two seven inning games on Saturday beginning at 11:00 AM.

Daily Announcements, April 27, 2023
Elementary Volleyball The elementary teams play Mott/Regent tonight in Scranton starting at 4:00. Good luck girls!
Baseball The baseball teams travels to Belfield tonight with a start time of 4:00. Please dismiss at 1:50 for departure at 2:00. Go Night Hawks!
Badlands Conference Track Meet Will be held tomorrow at DSU starting at 1:00. The bus leaves at 10:10.
State Please double check the stage for any garbage or other items when you are done using it for PE, track, etc. so that we can keep it clean for the concert on Monday. Be sure to check behind curtains also. Thank you! :)
Wear Purple for Alzheimers Tomorrow is "Purple Day" in recognition of Alzheimers Awareness.
Quote of the Day "April showers bring forth May flowers." ― Proverb

Know Your State Contest

Lilli Steeke and Lathan Holzer took part in the Know Your State test Tuesday in Bismarck with about 120 students participating. Congratulations, and thanks to Kristi Holzer for the pictures!

Thursdays High School track meet in Dickinson has been moved to Friday the 28th.
Throwing events will start at 12:30 pm
Running events will start at 1:00 pm

Daily Announcements, April 26, 2023
Congratulations! To our Night Hawks' baseball team on the victory!
FFA Good luck to Lilli today on her Star Farmer interview. The State FFA office will be at her farm/ranch for a personal interview today. Agri-science Fair - Sunday set up at 12:00,judging at 1:00, and open to public at 2:30 in the hallway of the high school.
Quote of the Day “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ― Neil Gaiman

Thank you South Main Lanes in Bowman for hosting our 5th and 6th grade students for PE today! Fun was had by all!

Daily Announcements, April 25, 2023
Baseball The baseball team plays in Beulah this afternoon starting at 3:30. The bus leaves Scranton at 11:30. Good luck guys!
Elementary Volleyball The elementary teams play in Bowman (Rec. Center) today starting at 4:00. Good luck girls!
Quote of the Day “A gush of bird-song, a patter of dew A cloud, and a rainbow’s warning Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue An April day in the morning.” ― Harriet Prescott Spofford

Daily Announcements, April 24, 2023
JH Track and Field The junior high competes in Beach today starting at 2:00. Please dismiss at 11:20 for departure at 11:30. Good luck to all!
Quote of the Day “Our spring has come at last with the soft laughter of April suns and shadow of April showers.” ― Byron Caldwell Smith

Earth Day Project

Earth Day project!

Daily Announcements, April 21, 2023
5-8 Music Festival Is tomorrow at the Bowman School starting at 9:00. If you signed your child up to ride the bus, the bus leaves at 8:30. Have a great day, students!
Night Hawks Stickers Orders and payment are due today. Thank you!
National Kindergarten Day! The first kindergarten (which means garden for the children) was developed in Blankenburg, Germany, in 1837. The kindergarten fostered Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel's social experience for children. It also allowed them to smoothly transition from home to school.

Congratulations Ella and Lilli for being state finalist for FFA proficiency awards. Ella works for her dad AI-ing cows throughout the summer and Lilli owns beef, sheep, and chickens for diversified livestock.

📸Yearbook Photos Wanted! 📸
If you would like to share your memories from the school year with the Scranton Yearbook students, please follow the instructions found on the flier below!

Daily Announcements, April 20, 2023
Elementary Volleyball The elementary teams will scrimmage in Hettinger tonight starting at 4:00. Family and fans are welcome! The bus leaves at 3:00. Have a fun scrimmage!
JH Track and Field Today's meet at Hazen is postponed to Monday, April 24.
Varsity Track and Field Saturday's meets at Killdeer and Lemmon are cancelled.
Volunteer Recognition Day Volunteer Recognition Day is the annual celebration of those who selflessly benefit the lives of others. By providing a helping hand to those in need, humans and animals alike, we are all naturally working towards making the world a better place.

Thank you Next Door Pizza for donating the circles for our Pi Day learning activity. 6th Grade

Daily Announcements, April 19, 2023
Student Council Will meet today during home room.
Night Hawks Stickers Orders are due this Friday. Thank you.
National North Dakota Day! "I have always said I would not have been President had it not been for my experience in North Dakota." ~Theodore Roosevelt

Daily Announcements, April 18, 2023
Baseball The varsity plays Washburn in Hettinger today starting at 3:30. Please dismiss at 1:20 for departure at 1:30. Good luck!
Track and Field The varsity competes in the Bowman meet today starting with field events at noon. Please dismiss at 10:30 for departure at 10:40. Good luck to all!
Elementary Volleyball The elementary teams play in the triangular at Hettinger starting at 4:00, and the bus leaves at 3:00. Good luck girls!
Night Hawks Stickers National Honor Society is selling Night Hawks stickers as a fundraiser for a community member or organization. Order forms were sent with the elementary students, and order forms are also available in the office. Please return forms by Friday, April 21. Thank you!
Mentors/Mentees Will not meet Thursday.
School Library Month "School libraries are part sanctuary, part laboratory, part university, part launch pad; every library on earth is a multiverse - truth inside of truth, story inside of story, idea inside of idea - which is to say, infinite." ~ Kelly Barnhill

Daily Announcements, April 17, 2023
FFA Banquet Is tonight at 6:30. Congratulations, FFA members, on your accomplishments throughout the year!
Track and Field Tomorrow's meet in Bowman starts at noon.
Quote of the Day “Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.” ― Doug Larson