Elementary Science Olympiad Public Showcase/awards 2:00
Everyone is welcome to come see the final rounds of Jousting and Save the Egg which will be followed by awards.

JH/HS Concert Livestream: Concert starts at 7 PM!

Tonight's high school concert starts at 7:00.

Daily Announcements, May 15, 2023
Baseball There will be one game today vs. Beulah in Hettinger starting at 3:00. Please dismiss at 12:50 for departure at 1:00. Good luck Night Hawks!
High School Concert Grades 7-12 will have their spring concert tonight starting at 6:30.
Elementary Science Olympiad Is tomorrow with awards and public showcase starting at 2:00. The public is welcome at 2:00.
Quote of the Day "Spring’s greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out." – Edgar Guest

The Night Hawks baseball team will play Beulah at 3:00 on Monday the 15th in Hettinger! Hope to see you all there!

Scranton High School students spent the afternoon on May 12th doing community service projects.
Thank you Dakota western Bank, Scranton High School, Scranton Equity, City of Scranton, Scranton Fire Department

Band Night Parade is cancelled.

The track meet in Beach tomorrow has been canceled!

Daily Announcements, May 12, 2023
Band Day! The 7-12 band students are participating in the parade in Bismarck tonight. The remaining 7-12 students will do community service projects this afternoon.
Color Run T-Shirts Orders and payment are due today. Thank you.
Varsity Track and Field Tomorrow in Beach starting at 10:00. The bus leaves at 7:30. Good luck Night Hawks!
Elementary VB Camp Registration forms are due Monday to Miss Johnson or the office. Thank you!
Quote of the Day "Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby." ~ Langston Hughes

The Nighthawks boys basketball camp will be June 20th and 21st. Students in 3rd through 8th grade are welcome to come and participate. Please scan the QR code or email jeremy.fordahl@k12.nd.us to sign up!

Fourth grade had a great time visiting the Heritage a center and Capitol building!

The baseball game scheduled for today against Beulah has been postponed. We will provide an updated time and location when we can. Senior night for baseball and track will now be next Thursday. Thank you everyone and stay dry!

April 2023 Minutes

Daily Announcements, May 11, 2023
4th Grade Field Trip 4th grade is headed to Bismarck today for a ND field trip.
JH Track and Field The JH competes in Bowman this afternoon starting at 4:00. Stay tuned for weather updates.
Baseball The baseball team plays Beulah in Hettinger starting at 4:00. Stay tuned for weather updates.
Band Day! Grades 7-12 band students will participate in Band Day in Bismarck tomorrow. Have a great day!
Color Run T-Shirts The Student Council is selling white t-shirts for the color run at $5/each. Order forms were sent home with the elementary students, and there are order forms in the office for high school students. (White t-shirts are not required to participate, but if you aren't ordering, please send your student to school in clothes that are able to get dirty) The color run is May 18, and order forms are due to the school by tomorrow (Friday).
Quote of the Day "And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." - Gilbert K. Chesterton

From Coach Anderson: Throughout the course of our Nighthawk track season, the kids have worked very hard to accomplish many milestones they've set for themselves at the beginning of the year. As we near the homestretch of the 2023 track season, the team has achieved 207 total PR's. With a handful of track meets left, that number will continue to rise!
In yesterdays track meet Bennett Jorgenson qualified for state in the 300 hurdles!
I want to give a special shout out to all the coaches (Zeta, Cody, Garret, Ty, Morgan, & Greg). They've dedicated a lot of time and effort to help these kids achieve their goals!

Daily Announcements, May 10, 2023
Kindergarten Roundup Is today from 9:00-11:00.
Student Council Will meet today during home room.
Board Meeting Is tonight at 7:00.
Quote of the Day "The Sun himself is weak when he first rises and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on." - Charles Dickens

Daily Announcements, May 9, 2023
Baseball The baseball team plays in Hazen today starting at 3:30 MT. The bus leaves at 11:10. Good luck Night Hawks!
Track and Field Varsity track and field athletes compete in Bowman today starting at 2:00. The bus leaves at 12:50. Good luck tracksters!
Kindergarten Roundup Is tomorrow from 9:00 - 11:00.
Quote of the Day "The duties of a teacher are neither few nor small, but they elevate the mind and give energy to the character." ~ Dorthea Dix

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!

Menu, May 8 - May 12
Monday May 8
BBQ over Wedges
Cheese Sauce
Tuesday May 9
Taco Salad
Apple Sauce
Wednesday May 10
Mashed Potatoes
Thursday May 11
Chicken Patty
Seasoned Rice
Peach Cups
Friday May 12
Baked Beans

Daily Announcements, May 8, 2023
Congratulations! To our state music participants on the great showing at the state competition!
JH Track and Field The junior high competes at DSU today starting at 1:00. Please dismiss at 10:30 for departure at 10:40. Good luck to all!
Quote of the Day "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." - Roald Dahl