Thank you, Haley Evans, for your years of dedication as a board member and board president.
Scranton Public School seeks a paraprofessional to make a positive difference in students' lives! We ask that the applicant be excited to work with students, reliable, and flexible with job duty assignments. Work schedule is Monday – Friday 8:00 – 3:45. Compensation is very competitive and includes a single policy medical benefit. Be a part of a successful team and participate in a very rewarding working environment!
If interested please contact Kelly Pierce at the Scranton School. 701-275-8266 or for more information.
Badlands Youth FOOTBALL.
4th grade - 6th grade
Hard to believe it is getting close.
Some dates and times and NEW soft sign up to note:
(Please read to end)
Sign up: July 31 in Little Gym at school.
Practice: (in Scranton)
August 7th-10th
Time: TBT
Practice: (In Hettinger)
August 14th-17th (Monday-Thursday)
Time: TBT
Jamboree: August 19th in New England
Practice: (in Hettinger rest of season)
starting August 21
will be Mondays and Thursday.
Games: Tuesdays @ 5:30
Games vrs Beach subject to start earlier(will post if start time changes)
Would like to try something new this year:
Soft sign up (via:email) would like to get your players grade going into and sizes for uniform.
Please email to:
Fee's: $50 for entry (Hettinger park board)
$50 returnable deposit for equipment.
(PLEASE have separate checks or arrangements for 2-separate transactions. We don't have change)
Mike Fried
Trevor Wolff
Josh Raab
Dave Erickson
2023-24 school year calendar and elementary supply list. We hope your summer is going well. Happy Independence Day!
With summer in full swing, a lot of our athletes are deep into their off-season training with the Apex Athletics app! We currently have 45 nighthawk athletes that are committing to off-season programs, looking to achieve their athletic goals and getting prepared for their upcoming sport seasons.
If any other nighthawk athletes want to be a part of the Apex app, please contact Coach Anderson through email or text! (Contact him with questions as well)
He will set you up with personalized year-round programming, education on how to properly fuel your body, knowledge on developing healthy habits, etc.
Remarks from Karady Evans on her WLC Conference. Thanks Karady for sharing.
Thank you to all the FFA supporters who helped make this possible.
Coming to the Washington Leadership Conference, I had some very big hopes. After listening to what my fellow members experienced last year, I expected a lot out of this conference, and it did not disappoint. I made tons of friends, made a Living to Serve plan, which will hopefully be implemented into our community soon 🤞, and of course, traveled all over Washington D.C.
Not only did I get to experience wonderful sessions and learn all about leadership, but I had the opportunity to visit the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial, the Korean War Veterans’ Memorial, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Martin Luther King Memorial, the Capitol, the Arlington Cemetery, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the American History Museum (and found an FFA Jacket), and finally the Holocaust Museum.
I made tons of new friends while in Washington, D.C., and I cannot believe I have to leave them already. One of my favorite memories with them is packing meals for people in need, even if we did struggle a little bit to make sure everything got IN the bags. Just like this community project, I made one of my own, where I hope to support community members who are struggling with mental or physical health and help them to get their necessities. I had a wonderful time coming up with this Living to Serve Plan and made many memories and friends along the way!
The Washington Leadership Conference is one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced in my life. If you are an FFA member, your child is an FFA member, or even if you know an FFA member, encourage them to come to this conference. It is truly a life-changing experience, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to experience it!
As I begin to board the plane to go back to North Dakota, where I will turn around to travel right back to the same time zone for National FBLA in Atlanta, I can’t help but think, “I hope this isn’t the end,” or, “I hope this plan works.” So instead of worrying that the momentum from WLC is over, when my plane lands, I am going to think, “WLC, THIS IS NOT OUR STOP!”, and do my best to be a change maker in all walks of life.
Nighthawk volleyball camp next week Monday - Wednesday!
Elementary 9-11
High School 3-5 (Scrimmage in Bowman on Wednesday - time TBA)
I will drive a bus for both elementary and high school. I'll be leaving at 8:30 for elementary and 2:30 for high school from the Scranton School.
Please text me to let me know if your child will be riding the bus next week! 701-440-0426
Miss Johnson
May 2023, Minutes
Please contact Carrie Stadheim with questions.
Congratulations to our FFA kids and Mrs. Steeke on their many awards from the state convention. Those early morning workouts were worth it! We are proud of you! pc Pastor Mary Wiggins
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the annual election will be held for the purpose of electing a member of the school board, and the polls will be open at 11:00 a.m. MDT, and will close at 7:00 p.m. MDT, of that day at the Scranton School Home Ec. Room.
By order of the Scranton School Board.
Angie Eberle
Business Manager
Driver's Ed will continue this Tuesday in Hettinger at 8:00 and will end around 10:30. Parents are responsible for getting their students to Driver's Ed as they will be driving at different times throughout the week. If you have any questions please email me at
Follow the link below to watch Scranton High School's graduation for 2023. Starting at 4:00 P.M.
4th Quarter 2022-2023 Honor Roll
Today the 1st Grade Class was asked to help bag the school sack lunches. The Sweet 16 as I coin them, packed 150 lunches in 12 minutes!
Thank you to Ashely and Arica for including us in today's prep and thank you for all the meals through out the year!
Starting June 4th there will be high school mini-camps for football held at Dickinson State University after their Sunday practices. These are voluntary practices for any high school football players from the Hettinger- Scranton community. The practices would start at 7:00 P.M. and the bus would leave on Sundays at 5:30 P.M. If you are interested in attending or have any questions please call Scranton Public School at (701) 275-8267.
Daily Announcements, May 25, 2023
Daily Bulletin - Thursday, May 25, 2023
State Track Meet! Good luck to our Night Hawk track athletes as they compete at the state tournament!
Last Day! Tomorrow is the last day of school with dismissal at 12:30. Have a great summer!
Quote of the Day "Whatever you choose for a career path, remember the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose." ~ Chadwick Boseman
Congratulations to Maddox Pierce and Devin Greff on being Region 8 Baseball selections! pc Coach Dix
The field trip bus is just leaving Spearfish at 5:00 p.m.
Daily Announcements, May 24, 2023
Field Trip Grades 3-6 are on their field trip to Spearfish today!
Awards Program There will be an awards ceremony at 2:15 this afternoon for the JH and HS. This will include some extracurriculars and miscellaneous awards. The public is welcome.
Last Day of School Is this Friday with dismissal at 12:30!
Electronic Devices Will be checked in during last hour today.
Quote of the Day “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” — Winnie the Pooh