Pre-school Screening
Eighth grade- 5th place individual: Stone Stadheim
Seventh grade- 5th place individual: Alyvia Kline
Seventh grade- 4th place individual: Logan Mausehund
Sixth grade- 1st place individual: Tessla Stevenson
Fourth grade- 5th place individual: Hudson Oase
Fourth grade-4th place individual: Lindsey Kline
Seventh grade-3rd place team
Sixth grade-1st place team
Fourth grade-1st place team
Math Meet Success!!
Scranton School won the traveling trophy with the most overall points!
Congratulations to the high school band on a PHENOMENAL showing at the regional music festival yesterday!!! Scranton had four ensembles perform and all four of those ensembles received 🌟 STAR 🌟 ratings which qualify them for the state music festival in Bismarck in May! These students have worked unbelievably hard and have represented our school and our music program so well! I am so incredibly proud of all of them! My music teacher heart is gushing! Congratulations to Miss Katie and the band on such great work! The following are the ensembles and their members.
-Senior Percussion Ensemble: Maddox Pierce, Malachi Dilse, Vanessa Oase, Sophia Freitag, and Avery Sanford
-Brass Ensemble: Ella Anderson, Malachi Dilse, Nick Dobitz, Vanessa Oase, Dani Maychrzak, and Karady Evans
-Clarinet Ensemble: Chloe Maychrzak, Emily Certalic, Monica Morris, Sahara Martinez, and Romana Eaton
-Mixed Ensemble: Kyan Stadheim, Kinley Stadheim, Mardi Loder, Talli Eaton, Colt Maychrzak, Kiley Mausehund, and Aidyn Fisher
Below is the link for the Track and Field BSN gear order page.
February 2024, Minutes
The Winter Sports Banquet for Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, and Wrestling will be held at 5:30 PM on April 14 in the Hettinger Big Gym
Any boys or girls high school players interested in playing in the Regent Lions Jamboree, contact Coach Pierce for more information.
Daily Announcements, March 12, 2024
Congratulations! To the regional science fair state qualifiers: Acalia, Aidyn and Layla!
Good luck! To our instrumental festival students today!
No School There is no school tomorrow through Friday for spring break. See you Monday!
Job Shadowing On March 19th (Tuesday), the 9th grade job shadow buses will leave at 8:15 for Bowman. Students will return to school in time for lunch. Students should dress according to their job shadow location...professional dress for offices or school or health; AND jeans and boots if in a shop setting. Thank you, Mrs. Oase
Quote of the Day "Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount." ~ Clare Boothe Luce
FFA From Mrs. Steeke: Killdeer Contest for Saturday 3/16 - has been cancelled We will have a practice at 4:00 p.m on Saturday here at the school - Ag Sales Team, Livestock bring notebook for set of reasons, test and keep/cull, Agronomy go through a contest you can leave as soon as you have completed your tasks State FFA leaving for MInot at 3:30 on Sunday
We had 5 of our 10-12 students compete at Acalympics this past Friday in Beach. They competed against roughly 20 other schools in the region and took 3rd place in the small school category! Congratulations to these 5 young men for sharing their knowledge and representing our school so well!
Daily Announcements, March 11, 2024
Congratulations! To the Scranton Acalympics team for placing third!
Regional Science Fair Good luck to Acalia, Isabelle, Aidyn and Layla as they compete today!
Elementary Volleyball Practice starts tonight!
Track and Field Practice starts tonight in Hettinger!
Instrument Festival Is tomorrow at Dickinson Trinity. The bus leaves at 6:45 a.m.
No School There is no school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Enjoy your spring break!
Quote of the Day "You're never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child." ~ Dr. Seuss
There will be a co-op committee meeting Monday the 11th at noon at Hettinger Public School.
January 2024, Minutes
The Acalympics will be streaming on NFHS today starting at 12:00 in Beach.
Daily Announcements, March 8, 2024
Acalympics Mr. Conlon and the Acalympics team leave at 10:00 today for the competition in Beach. Good luck acalympians!
No School There is no school next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (3/13, 3/14 and 3/15). Wednesday is teacher inservice, and Thursday and Friday is spring break.
Regional Science Fair Mr. Roemmich and the regional fair students will leave Sunday at 4:00 for Monday's contest. Good luck to all!
Elementary Volleyball For grades 4, 5 and 6 starts Monday after school.
Track and Field For grades 7-12 starts Monday.
Quote of the Day “Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” — Muhammad Ali
Daily Announcements, March 7, 2024
Mentors/Mentees Will meet today during 6th hour.
Quote of the Day “Some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again.” ― Louisa May Alcott
Some of the high school band students played for the office today. It was awesome! Thank you!
Daily Announcements, March 6, 2024
FBLA Will meet today at 3:00.
Youth Group Youth group for grades 7-12 will meet tonight at 6:30 at the senior center. Supper will be served.
Quote of the Day “Literature is my Utopia” ― Helen Keller
Volleyball letters and schedules are going home today! Please sign up for the remind app so you can be updated on any changes in the schedule. Also, read through the volleyball handbook with your athlete and sign the last page! This must be returned before the first practice! I can't wait to start!! Miss J
There will be a track meeting in the Scranton gym at 3:00 today for any athletes who are interested in track. There will be paper work to for each athlete to take home to parents to sign before the start of track March 11th.