All bus route drivers, sub drivers, and activity drivers, the Bus Driver Workshop in Bowman is scheduled for August 9th. There are also workshops in Dickinson if that date does not work for you. You can register on the Dickinson RESP website.

Reminder all athletes looking to participate in a sport this fall must have their athletic physicals completed prior to the first practice. All athletes and parents are expected to attend the Fall Athletic meetings in Hettinger on August 1st at 6:00 PM.

Scranton Public School is preparing for the All-School Reunion next week. Custodial Staff is working hard and has the building looking great. Hope all Scranton Alumni can make it back for an action packed weekend!

Good luck Night Hawks as you take on Hazen in the Region Baseball tourney today at Mirror Lake Ballpark in Hettinger with first pitch set at 2:00 PM.