Daily Announcements, January 19, 2023 FFA Aidyn, Karady, Caden and Lilli are at the state competition today. Good luck to all! Quote of the Day "Here comes the sun ... and I say, "It's alright". ~ The Beatles
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Good Luck to Scranton FFA members as they head off to state FFA LDE day to competing against the top 16 in Demonstration, Creed and Employment Skills. Good Luck Caden and Karady and their dog Charlie. Aidyn and Lilli.
about 2 years ago, Misty Steeke
Ag in the Classroom. Dairy cattle was a success. 🥛they learned about what products come from cows 🥛The difference between beef cows and dairy cows 🥛how the milk gets from The dairy barn to the table 🥛that dairy cows have 4 compartment stomachs. And chew their cud. 🥛that cow manure is made into fuel for trucks 😝 Thank you so to the FFA members and go helped present
about 2 years ago, Misty Steeke
Daily Announcements, January 18, 2023 FFA Some of the FFA members will leave after lunch today to compete at the state competition in Bismarck tomorrow. Winnie The Pooh Day “Just because an animal is large, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want kindness; however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo.” — Winnie the Pooh
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
More preschool pictures!
about 2 years ago, Carmen Erickson
preschool and fourth grade
preschool and fourth grade
preschool and fourth grade
Fourth grade visited the preschool today and read winter books together!
about 2 years ago, Carmen Erickson
preschool visit
preschool visit
preschool visit
preschool visit
Spring Concert dates! Mark your calendars! 😁
about 2 years ago, Jennifer Conlon
spring concert dates
Daily Announcements, January 17, 2023 Congratulations! To the wrestlers! Miles City Invitational Bowden Hasbrouck-2nd Tristan Pekas-6th Kyler Schalesky-6th Jennifer Verdin-1st Austin Ormistion- 1st Stone Stadheim-1st Cyrus Roseland-2nd Tyler Fitch-4th Alberto Verdin-3rd Tanner Blackwell-2nd Trevor Dalley-2nd Brodie Sott-3rd Miles City mixer Jennifer Verdin (100)- 1st Bowden Hasbrouck (205)- 2nd Tristan Pekas (182)- 6th Kyler Schalesky (120)- 6th Boys' Basketball The C, B and A teams play at Trinity tonight starting at 4:00. Please dismiss at 1:35 for a 1:45 departure. Let's go Night Hawks! Wrestling Dual Tonight in Bowman starting at 6:00. The bus leaves at 3:45. Good luck wrestlers! National Mentoring Day “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Reminder there is no school tomorrow as we have a teacher inservice beginning at 8:30 am. Enjoy the day off students!
about 2 years ago, Kelly Pierce
Scanton Pep Club sponsored a "Change for Lulu" fundraiser. Students contributed their loose change for Bowman County's newest deputy, K9 Lulu, and their donations totaled $254! The Pep Club voted to contribute an additional $500, and presented Sergeant Dunn, Lulu's handler, with a check for $754! Friday, January 13, Sergeant Dunn and K9 Lulu visited the school, and Sergeant Dunn gave a presentation for the K-12 students and staff. The students had excellent questions for Sergeant Dunn, and were given the opportunity to meet K9 Lulu. Thank you students and Pep Club for your donations, and thank you, Sergeant Dunn and K9 Lulu for the visit!
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Pep Club
student body
Daily Announcements, 1/13/2023 Congratulations! To the varsity girls on the win last night! C Boys' Tournament There is a C boys' tourney tonight and tomorrow in Hettinger and Scranton starting at 5:00 tonight and 10:00 tomorrow in both schools. Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for students and concessions will be served. Scranton School's and Hettinger School's season tickets will NOT gain admission in either school. Good luck Night Hawks! Girls' Basketball The B and A teams play in Wilton tonight starting at 4:45 MT. Departure is 12:30. Good luck ladies! Wrestling The Night Hawks' wrestlers are competing in Miles City today and tomorrow. Best of luck to our wrestlers! No School There is no school Monday, January 16, for a teacher in-service. See you Tuesday. Salads Will start Tuesday, January 17. PLEASE REMEMBER: Salads are to be ordered by 10:00am the PRIOR SCHOOL DAY. SO Please order salad for Tuesday on Friday this week as no school on Monday for students. Quote of the Day "Don't be superstitious. Nothing will happen on Friday the 13th that cannot happen on Saturday the 14th." ~ Author Unknown
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
December 2022, Minutes
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Minutes page 3
Minutes page 2
Minutes page 3
Scranton Junior High students attended Ag Activity day in Belfield. Students attended rotations on Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), agronomy, food science, swing dancing, profit and loss finance in ag, shop project, meats evaluation, and farm safety. Thank you Belfield FFA for hosting this annual event!
about 2 years ago, Misty Steeke
Tatum participating in profit and loss activity
food science
farm safety
Daily Announcements, January 12, 2023 Pep Club Will meet in Mrs. Erickson's room today during home room. Mentors/Mentees Will meet today during 6th hour. Girls' Basketball The B and A teams play in Richardton tonight starting at 5:30. The athletes will be dismissed at 2:30 for departure at 2:40. GO get 'em ladies! Boys' Basketball The B and A teams play in Harding County tonight starting at 5:30. The bus leaves at 3:30. Good luck guys! Wrestling The wrestlers leave at 4:00 for the week-end's tournament in Miles City. No School There is no school Monday for a teacher in-service. Lost and Found A watch was turned in to the office. See Angie to claim. Quote of the Day “But frost, like the crystallized dreams of autumn, began to coat the clearing with its sugar glaze.” ― Victoria Logue
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Playground fun!
about 2 years ago, Carmen Erickson
noon recess
noon recess
Honor Roll, Quarter 2, 2022-2023
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Honor Roll
Isabelle and Layla placed in the Red River Valley Writing Project! Isabelle won a Silver Key Award and Layla received an Honorable Mention! Congratulations, ladies!
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
Daily Announcements, January 11, 2023 JH Ag Day The 7th and 8th grade students are participating in JH Ag Day and will return by 3:15. Pep Club Will meet tomorrow in Mrs. Erickson's room during home room. Mentors/Mentees Will meet tomorrow during 6th hour. C Squad Boys' Tournament This Friday, January 13, and Saturday, January 14, there is a C boys' tourney in Hettinger and Scranton. Games start at 5:00 in each school. Board Meeting Is tonight at 7:00. Quote of the Day "In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." ~ William Blake
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle
2023 Hettinger-Scranton "C" Squad Tournament bracket for January 13 and 14
about 2 years ago, Kirby Cagle
C bracket 1
C tournament (2)
Daily Announcements, January 10, 2023 Boys' Basketball The B and A teams play in Beulah tonight starting at 4:30 MT. Please dismiss at 12:35 for departure at 12:45. Go Night Hawks! Wrestling There is a wrestling quad (re-scheduled from Dec. 22) in Hettinger tonight starting at 5:00. This is also Senior Night. Good luck Night Hawks! JH Ag Day Is tomorrow in Dickinson for all 7th and 8th grade students. The bus leaves at 7:30 and returns by 3:15. Quote of the Day "Nature has undoubtedly mastered the art of winter gardening and even the most experienced gardener can learn from the unrestrained beauty around them." - Vincent A. Simeone
about 2 years ago, Angie Eberle